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EGT Express CZ s.r.o.

Olomoucká 1001
783 53 Velká Bystřice
Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 585 716 399
Fax: +420 585 716 314
E-mail: info@egtexpress.com
GPS: 49.5896N, 17.3378E

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Billing Information

Olomoucká 1001
783 53 Velká Bystřice
Czech Republic

Company Reg. No.: 62301951
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Account number for payments in CZK: 104937885/0300
Account number for payments in EUR: 176438268/0300 | IBAN: CZ63 0300 0000 0001 7643 8268
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Email address for sending invoices: e-billing@egtexpress.com
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